How to uninstall avast antivirus without my password
How to uninstall avast antivirus without my password

how to uninstall avast antivirus without my password how to uninstall avast antivirus without my password how to uninstall avast antivirus without my password

This process might take a few minutes so, wait until the finishing process. Also, you can leave it to default if it is right. When you run the utility, then the location of the Avast program files is specified in the next window. It can be opened via the “Run as Administrator” Option. You can visit the Avast official website and download avastclear.exe. (Note: Be careful! The content of any folder you choose will be deleted!) Step 4.If you installed Avast in a different folder than the default, browse for it. Step 3.Open (execute) the uninstall utility There is a tool called Avast removal tool which can download from the avast website click here So after the above Do this advanced process to clean the device properly and Avast Antivirus uninstall. After the above method and restarting the PC there, some files off avast antivirus left in the pc and delete those manually will create a registry error.

how to uninstall avast antivirus without my password

Because at the beginning we told you that we will show you the proper clean process How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus. Yes, you heard it right the process is not over yet. We hope You will have a clear idea How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus. After fishing Avast Uninstall Process avast will pop up end screen message to complete the process asking you to restart the pc for finishing the process One thing note down during this avast uninstall process don’t turn off the device power supply needs to be constant any power cut force shutdown of the machine can lead to huge error. In the next process, you need to wait upon computer speed and it takes some time. Then Avast will ask final permission You need to select “Yes’ or “No” You see Avast Uninstall Panel asking for Final Permission Step 2: Windows UAC(User Account Control) will ask you to confirm you need to agree yes or not for uninstalling avast antivirus. Find Avast and click uninstall.įor Windows 7 you go to Control Panel then Program and feature then locate Avast Antivirus. For Windows 10 Open your start menu and choose “Settings”, then click “System” and afterward click “Apps & Features” on the left-hand side menu. Step by Step guide Avast Uninstall Process : All these products are tested by Our Experts. In Case You are Looking For the Best Antivirus In The Market Then You Can check this Out. So Install any other antivirus Like Avria AVG etc. One thing to remember about How to Remove Avast that once you uninstall avast antivirus don’t leave the device without antivirus because without antivirus your device will become a sitting duck. How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus In Windows 10 In this article, we are going to show you How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus clean process. The main thing they whats the correct process and Uninstall Avast will damage my computer or not. How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus many customers asked this question and they asked whats the correct process.

How to uninstall avast antivirus without my password